Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 13 / Issue 1 / Pages 5-20
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Estimation of spring caterpillar biomass in hungarian deciduous forests from long-term light trap data – what will the insectivorous bird nestlings eat?

Béla Csaba Eötvös, Anikó Hirka, László Gimesi, Gábor Lövei, Csaba Gáspár & György Csóka


Correspondence: Eötvös Csaba Béla

Postal address: 3232 Mátrafüred, Hegyalja utca 18.

e-mail: eotvos.csaba[at]uni-sopron.hu


Numerous recent studies report an alarming decrease in diversity, biomass, or abundance of arthropods in various habitats. Given that they are important food for other organisms, the ecological consequences of such a decline could be severe. We used data from the Hungarian Forestry Light Trap Network to examine whether the spring caterpillar biomass showed any long term (23-58 years) declining trend in oak-dominated forests. Light trap data for 43 selected macrolepidopteran species (suitable bird food in the larval stage) from six different locations were used for the estimation of the total available caterpillar biomass. Time series analyses showed strong year-toyear fluctuations, and over all locations and time windows there was an increasing rather than decreasing trend. The increase found at some locations may suggest increasing herbivore pressure and negative impacts on forest health. We conclude that foliage-feeding macrolepidopteran species with spring-developing larvae did not show a drastic decrease in recent decades. The estimated biomass increase of the caterpillars of some species may have a negative effect on forest health, but a positive effect on the nesting success of birds.

This article is based on the original publication by Eötvös et al. 2021 (No Long-Term Decrease in Caterpillar Availability for Invertivorous Birds in Deciduous Forests in Hungary).

Keywords: broadleaved forest, arthropod abundance, biomass, insectivore, long term trends, light trap

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    Cite this article as:

    Eötvös, Cs. B., Hirka, A., Gimesi, L., Lövei, G., Gáspár, Cs. & Csóka, Gy. (2023): Estimation of spring caterpillar biomass in hungarian deciduous forests from long-term light trap data – what will the insectivorous bird nestlings eat?. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 13(1): 5-20. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2023.01

    Volume 13, Issue 1
    Pages: 5-20

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2023.01

    First published:
    7 June 2023

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