Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Pages 229-237
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Comparing diversity of nocturnal macrolepidoptera communities (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera) in different forest stands using light traps

Bálint Horváth


Correspondence: Horváth Bálint

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: hbalint[at]emk.nyme.hu


Macrolepidoptera communities and their diversity was compared in three different forest stands (mixed sessile oak, sessile oak and beech forests) in the Sopron Mountains. The monitoring was carried out from May to November 2008, using portable light traps and we identified a total of 349 species and 8,046 individuals in 12 families. The results suggest that the mixed forest stand has higher diversity of macrolepidoptera species. The diversity was determined using Shannon and Simpson diversity models. To compare diversity values, Hutcheson’s t-test was used. Furthermore, the diversity values were ranked by Rényi’s diversity ordering. The results show higher diversity in the mixed oak forest stand, while the beech forest stand had lower diversity of macromoth communities. Ranking of the unmixed oak forest stand was not possible.

Keywords: Sopron Mountains, forest stands, nocturnal moths, diversity, diversity ordering, forest management, light trap

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    Cite this article as:

    Horváth, B. (2013): Comparing diversity of nocturnal macrolepidoptera communities (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera) in different forest stands using light traps. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 3(1): 229-237. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 3, Issue 1
    Pages: 229-237

    First published:
    28 June 2013

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