Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Pages 109-119
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Aboveground and belowground dendromass in a stand of Turkey oak

Ernő Führer, Imre Csiha, Ildikó Szabados, Zoltán Pödör & Anikó Jagodics


Correspondence: Führer Ernő

Postal address: H-9400, Sopron Paprét 17.

e-mail: fuhrere[at]erti.hu


In general view, the role of forests in carbon cycle is considered to be positive in reference to the impacts and mitigation of climate change. To verify this by results in Hungary, we have to assess the amount of carbon stored in forests in Hungary as a basis for comparison. Expecting warmer and drier climate as an effect of the climate change, we have to prefer the native tree species that are able to survive and maintain vitality under the new conditions. Therefore in a stand of Turkey oak we investigated the compartments of aboveground and belowground dendromass in terms of carbon equivalent. According to the results, 70% of the total dendromass was above and 30% of it was below the ground. Percentage of the compartments in descending order are as follows: stems: 55%, roots 24%, branches 13%, trunks 6% and foliage 2%. The ratio of aboveground (without foliage) and belowground carbon stock is 2.3. Taking our previous results of other forest stands into account, we could determine the correlation of Forestry Aridity Index (FAI) and this ratio. Hence the carbon amount in belowground dendromass can be estimated based on the stand volume and this climate-dependent ratio.

Keywords: Turkey oak, carbon stock, climate index, ratio

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    Führer, E., Csiha, I., Szabados, I., Pödör, Z. & Jagodics, A. (2014): Aboveground and belowground dendromass in a stand of Turkey oak. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 109-119. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 2
    Pages: 109-119

    First published:
    6 October 2014

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