Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2

Contents of volume 4, issue 2

The cover of vol: 4, nr: 2

Volume 4, Issue 2

Published in print: 2014. december 11.

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Mátyás, Cs. & Borovics, A.
Pages 7-8 | First published: 1 October 2014
From regional to global climate change: Three chapters of science history from Hungary
Jankó, F.
Pages 9-20 | First published: 6 October 2014
Water balance of forests in Kiskunság sandridge
Bolla, B., Kalicz, P. & Gribovszki, Z.
Pages 21-31 | First published: 6 October 2014
Investigation of rooting zone of forest association growing under drying sandy site conditions
Csiha, I. & Keserű, Zs.
Pages 33-42 | First published: 6 October 2014
Characterization of the temperature and precipitation condition of Zala County
Manninger, M. & Pödör, Z.
Pages 43-54 | First published: 8 October 2014
Developing a unified soil type database for County Zala Hungary using classification algorithms
Illés, G., Kovács, G., Laborczi, A. & Pásztor, L.
Pages 55-64 | First published: 9 October 2014
Hydrological impacts of different land cover types in the context of climate change for Zala County
Csáki, P., Kalicz, P., Csóka, G., Brolly, G. B., Czimber, K. & Gribovszki, Z.
Pages 65-76 | First published: 7 October 2014
Forests’ yield and height growth dependence on site conditions in County Zala Hungary
Illés, G., Kollár, T., Veperdi, G. & Führer, E.
Pages 77-89 | First published: 8 October 2014
Estimation of increment decline caused by climate change, based on data of a beech provenance trial
Horváth, A. & Mátyás, Cs.
Pages 91-99 | First published: 6 October 2014
Determination of site quality index based on the mean annual increment of the growing stock at or near the rotation age
Veperdi, G.
Pages 101-107 | First published: 6 October 2014
Aboveground and belowground dendromass in a stand of Turkey oak
Führer, E., Csiha, I., Szabados, I., Pödör, Z. & Jagodics, A.
Pages 109-119 | First published: 6 October 2014
The effect of afforestations on the carbon stock of soil in Transdanubian Region (Hungary)
Bidló, A., Szűcs, P., Horváth, A., Király, É., Németh, E. & Somogyi, Z.
Pages 121-133 | First published: 6 October 2014
The genetic pattern of oak decline
Cseke, K., Jobb, Sz., Koltay, A. & Borovics, A.
Pages 135-147 | First published: 6 October 2014
Health condition assessment of forest stands – a new approach
Berki, I., Rasztovits, E. & Móricz, N.
Pages 149-155 | First published: 10 October 2014