Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Pages 101-107
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Determination of site quality index based on the mean annual increment of the growing stock at or near the rotation age

Gábor Veperdi


Correspondence: Veperdi Gábor

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: veperdi[at]emk.nyme.hu


Recent research activities have proven that in case of new local yield tables the mean annual increment of the total production cannot be used to determine site quality index as total production is not known in most cases. This paper suggests using the mean annual increment of the growing stock as a basis of determination of site quality index. On the other hand, this value is not comparable with site quality indices derived from existing global yield tables. The paper presents a new method of site classification where site quality index is derived from growing stock data in global yield tables. Both a graphical method and numeric values are presented.

Keywords: site quality index, growing stock, and mean annual increment at or near rotation age

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    Cite this article as:

    Veperdi, G. (2014): Determination of site quality index based on the mean annual increment of the growing stock at or near the rotation age. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 101-107. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 2
    Pages: 101-107

    First published:
    6 October 2014

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