A possible effect of climate change in forest management
Ernő Führer, György Marosi, Anikó Jagodics & István Juhász
The expected climate change will basically affect the ecological and economic conditions of forest management. We applied the Forestry Aridity Index (FAI) to determine and characterize the areas of forestry climate classes in three forestry regions of the mountain range Bakony and to reveal the changes according to two climate scenarios. We evaluated the production capacities of climate indicator tree species (beech, hornbeam, sessile oak and Turkey oak) and the profitability of forest management using the economic model of primary wood production. Based on this we were able to state that the forestry climate classes move in accordance with the climate scenarios: the area of beech climate disappears or decreases and the area of sessile oak–Turkey oak climate increases significantly. Furthermore, the production capacities of climate classes will deteriorate. The expectable yield and forest rent of these tree species will be 15% lower in the case of a drastic scenario. This will result in the decrease of proceeds and due to this the sustainability of forests will be uncertain in the future.
Keywords: forestry climate classes, production capacity, periodic gross margin, forest rent
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Cite this article as:
Führer, E., Marosi, Gy., Jagodics, A. & Juhász, I. (2011): A possible effect of climate change in forest management. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 17-28. (in Hungarian)
Volume 1, Issue 1
Pages: 17-28
First published:
1 September 2011
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