Hydrological impacts of different land cover types in the context of climate change for Zala County
Péter Csáki, Péter Kalicz, Gergely Csóka, Béla Gábor Brolly, Kornél Czimber & Zoltán Gribovszki
Correspondence: Csáki Péter
Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.
e-mail: csakipeti.nyme[at]gmail.com
Water balance of Zala county was analyzed using remote-sensing based evapotranspiration maps for Hungary (Kovács 2011). Mean (1999-2008 period) annual evapotranspiration and runoff maps were evaluated in the context of land cover types (Corine Land Cover 2006). The mean annual evapotranspiration of Zala county (577 mm/year) was 88 percent of the mean annual precipitation (655.7 mm/year) in the examined period. The highest evapotranspiration values were determined for water bodies as well as forest and semi natural areas. For evaluating the effects of climate change on evapotranspiration we used the Budyko-type model (α-parameter), moreover a linear model with β-parameter was introduced for the extrawater affected pixels. Applying the two parameter maps and future data of climate models (mean annual temperature and precipitation) evapotranspiration and runoff predictions have been estimated by the end of the 21st century. According to the predictions, the mean annual evapotranspiration may increase by 5 percent while the runoff may decrease to the one third to the end of the century.
Keywords: evapotranspiration, runoff, land cover, Budyko-model, climate change
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Cite this article as:
Csáki, P., Kalicz, P., Csóka, G., Brolly, G. B., Czimber, K. & Gribovszki, Z. (2014): Hydrological impacts of different land cover types in the context of climate change for Zala County. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 65-76. (in Hungarian)
Volume 4, Issue 2
Pages: 65-76
First published:
7 October 2014
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