Juvenile evaluation of micropropagated black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) clones under sandy soil conditions
Károly Rédei, Imre Csiha, Zsolt Keserű, János Rásó & Ágnes Végh Kamandiné
Correspondence: Rédei Károly
Postal address: H-4150 Püspökladány, Farkassziget 3.
e-mail: redei.karoly[at]t-online.hu
In Hungary the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is one of the most important exotic stand-forming tree species. Its importance is increasing in many other countries, too. As a result of a partly new selection programme eight black locust clones have been improved for setting up clone trials and seed orchards. In the paper the juvenile growth and the stem quality of micropropagated black locust clones were evaluated under sandy soil conditions. At age of 10 the clones ‘MB17D3/4’, ’MB17D3/10’ as well as ‘PV 201E2/4’ appeared to be the most promising ones for quality wood production. Tissue culture method can be considered as a suitable tool for clonal propagating superior individuals and offering new prospects for rapid mass cloning of selected genotypes.
Keywords: black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L) clones, micropropagation, sandy soil site conditions
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Cite this article as:
Rédei, K., Csiha, I., Keserű, Zs., Rásó, J. & Kamandiné, V. Á. (2013): Juvenile evaluation of micropropagated black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) clones under sandy soil conditions. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 3(1): 89-95. (in Hungarian)
Volume 3, Issue 1
Pages: 89-95
First published:
28 June 2013
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