Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 1 / Pages 95-107
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Estimation of the stocks and stock change of the Hungarian harvested wood product pool using the methodology of 2013 IPCC Supplementary Guidance

Éva Király & Péter Kottek


Correspondence: Király Éva

Postal address: H-1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó u. 42-44.

e-mail: kiralye[at]nebih.gov.hu


We estimated the amount of carbon stored in the Hungarian harvested wood product pool, and the amount of annual inflow and outflow from the pool for the time period 1900-2020. We studied national and international data sources in order to find the best available and consistent data on production and trade. Because both the dataset and the methodology, i.e., the 2013 IPCC Supplementary Guidance, that were used for this study differ from those in earlier studies, the results obtained are different as well. We now estimate that the carbon accumulation of the Hungarian HWP pool amounts to 9 million tonnes of carbon, and the average of annual net emissions from the pool is around -100,000 tonnes CO2.

Keywords: HWP, harvested wood products, carbon stock, carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas inventory, CO2 emission, Kyoto Protocol, climate change

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    Cite this article as:

    Király, É. & Kottek, P. (2014): Estimation of the stocks and stock change of the Hungarian harvested wood product pool using the methodology of 2013 IPCC Supplementary Guidance. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(1): 95-107. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 1
    Pages: 95-107

    First published:
    15 September 2014

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