Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 9 / Issue 1 / Pages 19-33
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Modeling pollen capacity of forest areas based on tree species and pollen data

Péter Ferenc Rozovits, Zsolt Magyar, Péter Kottek & Sándor Bordács


Correspondence: Rozovits Ferenc Péter

Postal address: H-1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó út 42-44.

e-mail: rozovitsferenc[at]gmail.com


Model maps were constructed for estimating pollen capacity of Hungarian forests, based on meteorological pollen monitoring and forestry database information. Model maps are continuously updated and directly linked to the National Forest Database (NÉBIH Forestry Directorate) which are publicly available at NÉBIH website. Based on the model maps the flowering period of tree species can be forecasted in different region of Hungary. Data and information of the model maps can be used for annual seed crop prognoses and indirectly for planning of forest regenerations and silvicultural works. Model maps also provide an opportunity for more conscious planning of bee keeping and preparation of public health measures taken for pollen sensitivity.

Keywords: stock types, national forestry database, pollen concentration, pollen data, pollen sensitivity, crop estimation, bee-keeping

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    Cite this article as:

    Rozovits, F. P., Magyar, Zs., Kottek, P. & Bordács, S. (2019): Modeling pollen capacity of forest areas based on tree species and pollen data. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 9(1): 19-33. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2019.002

    Volume 9, Issue 1
    Pages: 19-33

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2019.002

    First published:
    25 June 2019

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