Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 1 / Pages 7-21
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Nationwide comparison of potential natural forest communities and current forest stands

Dénes Bartha, Márton Korda, Gábor Kovács & Gábor Tímár


Correspondence: Korda Márton

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Ady Endre u. 5.

e-mail: korda.marton[at]gmail.com


Results of nationwide analysis of Hungarian Forest Stand Database (date 01. 01. 2012.) have been presented in this publication. We defined the potential natural forest communities of all forest compartments by the method of site evaluation. Comparison of potential natural forest communities and current forest stands makes it possible the analyses of relationship between the potential and current forest communities nationwide. This study makes an attempt to discover the background of current forest communities surveying the site conditions and former landscape use of forest compartments.

Keywords: potential natural forest communities, current forest stands, rate of transformation, alien tree species

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    Cite this article as:

    Bartha, D., Korda, M., Kovács, G. & Tímár, G. (2014): Nationwide comparison of potential natural forest communities and current forest stands. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(1): 7-21. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 1
    Pages: 7-21

    First published:
    15 July 2014

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