Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Pages 95-105
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Taxonomic and genetic study of a mixed oak stand

Klára Cseke, Sándor Bordács & Attila Borovics


Correspondence: Cseke Klára

Postal address: H-9600 Sárvár, Várkerület 30/A.

e-mail: csekekl[at]ertisarvar.hu


A genetic study was performed in order to analyse the taxonomic and genetic composition of a mixed oak stand rich in different oak species (Quercus spp.). Microsatellite DNS markers were applied which are suitable for identification purpose. All the adult trees were sampled on the study plot and their taxonomic classification was accomplished by numerical taxonomy. Moreover two juvenile clumps were sampled with the aim of comparing the genetic pattern of the adult and juvenile generations. Based on the results of the genetic analysis, 9% of the adult trees had clonal origin referring to the long-term coppice management on the stand. Furthermore, clones were also discovered among the individuals of the juvenile clumps indicating vegetative propagation by root shoots. The genetic structure of the adult and juvenile groups were similar with high diversity indices. The two juvenile clumps showed different affinity with the pedunculate oak and pubescence oak species respectively based on the comparison of genetic patterns.

Keywords: Quercus spp., DNA microsatellite markers, genetic diversity, coppice, juvenile clump

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    Cite this article as:

    Cseke, K., Bordács, S. & Borovics, A. (2011): Taxonomic and genetic study of a mixed oak stand. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 95-105. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 1, Issue 1
    Pages: 95-105

    First published:
    1 September 2011

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