Population genetic inventory of transdanubian Leuce poplars applying RAPD and cpDNA markers
Attila Benke, Klára Cseke & Attila Borovics
Correspondence: Benke Attila
Postal address: H-9600 Sárvár, Várkerület 30/A.
e-mail: benke[at]ertisarvar.hu
A population genetic study of native white poplar and european trembling aspen stands was carried out with exhaustive sampling throughout the Transdanubian region. The main goal was to make a genetic inventory in different regions and to estimate the genetic diversity within and between the analysed subpopulations. RAPD and chloroplast DNA markers were used. The RAPD and PCR-RFLP analyses were performed on 267 and 300 samples, respectively. Based on two highly polymorphic RAPD primers the subpopulation from the Belsô-Somogy region showed the highest diversity in case of both species. By the results of the applied four cpDNAmarkers the highest diversity level was found in the Kis-Balaton subpopulation of white poplars, and in the Villány subpopulation of trembling aspens. No correlation was found between the geographic and genetic (Nei’s index) distances of the populations analysed by both RAPD and cpDNA markers, respectively. The genetic variation of both genetic markers was basically derived due to the genetic diversity of populations.
Keywords: Leuce poplars, molecular genetic variability, Shannon-index, RAPD, cpDNA, Nei’s genetic distance
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Cite this article as:
Benke, A., Cseke, K. & Borovics, A. (2011): Population genetic inventory of transdanubian Leuce poplars applying RAPD and cpDNA markers. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 83-93. (in Hungarian)
Volume 1, Issue 1
Pages: 83-93
First published:
1 September 2011
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