Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 12 / Issue 1 / Pages 43-55
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Occurrences of free water in the soil under different forest stands on the slopes of the Lake Sfânta Ana crater

Péter Szmolka & Norbert Frank


Correspondence: Szmolka Péter

Postal address: 520052 Sepsiszentgyörgy, Akác u. 64.

e-mail: szmolka.peter[at]phd.uni-sopron.hu


Significant changes were recorded in the bathymetric and water-quality parameters of the Lake Sfânta Ana, a crater lake in Romania, during the past decades. The role of the crater, as the catchment area of the lake needs to be clarified. The existence of the subsurface inflow, as a feeding component in the hydrological budget of the lake, is an open question. The occurrence of free, gravitational water in the soil of the crater is a fundamental condition of the subsurface inflow. The study is focusing on the questions related to the occurrence and frequency of free water in the soil under forest stands of different species composition and age structure.
The results show that free water does occur in the soil, and the different forest structures, consisting of middle aged and old European beech stands, middle-aged Norway spruce stands and mixed aged European beech with Northern spruce and Silver fir stands, have an influence on the frequency of the occurrence. Free water occurrence in the soil is significantly lower in old even aged European beech stands than in the middle aged beech and mixed aged stands.

Keywords: Lake Sfânta Ana, soil moisture content, gravitational water, age structure, composition

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    Cite this article as:

    Szmolka, P. & Frank, N. (2022): Occurrences of free water in the soil under different forest stands on the slopes of the Lake Sfânta Ana crater. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 12(1): 43-55. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2022.03

    Volume 12, Issue 1
    Pages: 43-55

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2022.03

    First published:
    4 December 2022

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