Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Pages 151-162
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Windbreaks and shelterbelts examination by their effect on decreasing the windspeed

Norbert Frank & Viktor Takács


Correspondence: Frank Norbert

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: frank[at]emk.nyme.hu


Analysis of shelterbelts gives evidence for their eligibility and their multifunctionality has positive effects on environment, landscape and habitats. Not only as a system, but its elements must be considered. Getting back to the main purpose (wind speed reduction) of belts, the numerical classification is essential for maintaining the porosity and to justify the structure. The structure has always been changing by the environmental conditions. Not only the distribution of the network, but the trees and shrubs edges also require modification of the structure for the desired effect: reduce wind speed and creating snow dumping zone in a proper distance. Modelling provides details of the flow system: including a number of factors, local conditions and the meteorological conditions cause differences. A few degrees difference in wind direction causes “structural change” and change in wind speed, as well as the surface. Our research aims to develop methods and metrics to objectively assist the forest belt, for a long-term maintenance and development of protection effects. We have found, if the rate of wind protected and wind effected porosity is between 1.6-5 it is a well structured windbreak. Instead of the breakthrough factor this is more simple and preciously measurable value for description. While the breakthrough factor use the wind measurements and does not examine the inner spacing, the porosity consider the changes of density.

Keywords: windbreak, porosity, shelterbelt, wind-speed, modelling

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    Cite this article as:

    Frank, N. & Takács, V. (2012): Windbreaks and shelterbelts examination by their effect on decreasing the windspeed. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 2(1): 151-162. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 2, Issue 1
    Pages: 151-162

    First published:
    3 September 2012

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