Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Pages 111-124
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Economic analysis of the continuous cover forest management in beech stands in comparison to the traditional rotation system

Péter Csépányi


Correspondence: Csépányi Péter

Postal address: H-2025 Visegrád, Mátyás király u. 4.

e-mail: csepanyi.peter[at]pprt.hu


This paper discusses the analysis of the complex economic models between selection system based on “Dauerwald” principles (continuous cover forestry) in the early transformation period and in the traditional rotation system in beech stands. The analysis is carried out both subcompartment level and forest blocks (management) level and compares the performances. From the results obtained it can be found, that in beech stands in the selection system is able to reach at least the same economic efficiency in both levels such as in the traditional rotation system.

Keywords: beech, selection system, rotation system, management class, annuity

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    Cite this article as:

    Csépányi, P. (2013): Economic analysis of the continuous cover forest management in beech stands in comparison to the traditional rotation system. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 3(1): 111-124. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 3, Issue 1
    Pages: 111-124

    First published:
    28 June 2013

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