Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Pages 55-70
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Experience of large-scale conversion from even-aged to continuous cover forestry by gap-cutting in the Királyrét Forest Directorate

Bence Kovács, Kristóf Kelemen, János Ruff & Tibor Standovár


Correspondence: Standovár Tibor

Postal address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C.

e-mail: standy[at]ludens.elte.hu


A transition system to continuous cover forestry has been introduced at large scale (over 5,000 hectares) by Királyrét Directorate of the Ipoly Erdő Ltd. Due to the short time period since the start of the transition in 2007, the processes including natural regeneration are not well known. Of the 6,000 gaps created, we included 124 using stratified sampling by stand age, dominant tree species and time since gap opening. Position and size of the gaps as well as cutting damage were noted. Sapling cover and browsing damage were estimated for each tree species in three size categories. Two thirds of the gaps exceeded the diameter of stand height and more than half of them have an oblong shape. Forestry operations caused stem damage in 51% of the gaps and saplings were harmed in 21 cases. During the sampling 23 tree species were registered 30% of which did not occur in the adjacent stand. Sapling cover was highest in the 20-150 cm size category reaching 3% for the dominant and 9% for the admixing tree species. Game pressure was high and affected especially saplings between 20-150 cm, sprouts and admixing tree species.

Keywords: transition system, artificial gaps, natural regeneration, admixing tree species, game browsing, Börzsöny Mountains

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    Kovács, B., Kelemen, K., Ruff, J. & Standovár, T. (2013): Experience of large-scale conversion from even-aged to continuous cover forestry by gap-cutting in the Királyrét Forest Directorate. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 3(1): 55-70. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 3, Issue 1
    Pages: 55-70

    First published:
    28 June 2013

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