Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / Pages 135-154
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Importance of dead wood and other forest habitat variables for the bats

Dénes Dobrosi


Correspondence: Dobrosi Dénes

Postal address: H-2750 Nagykőrös, Kölcsey u. 18.

e-mail: dobrosid[at]gmail.com


Between 2013 and 2015 we managed to identify 23 bat species from 82870 audio files recorded at 685 sites in the Alföld and Börzsöny (Hungary) by the ultrasound recording and analysing method we developed ourselves. We prepared a basic forest habitat assessment at each site and estimated the amount of the deadwood. We were aiming to find a connection between the naturalness of the study sites and the activity of the bats. Using a homogeneity examination, we found that the overnight activity of the significant groups of bat species was in positive correlation with the ecological quality of their habitat and the amount of deadwood.

Keywords: bat, deadwood, habitat, density, ultra sound recording, sound analysis

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    Cite this article as:

    Dobrosi, D. (2017): Importance of dead wood and other forest habitat variables for the bats. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 7(2): 135-154. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2017.010

    Volume 7, Issue 2
    Pages: 135-154

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2017.010

    First published:
    19 November 2017

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