Property structure of private forests in Hungary
Tamás Mertl & Endre Schiberna
This paper is based on a database of land lots that are not state owned and are classified as forest in the land registry in Hungary. A description of major parameters of ownership structure can be found in this article such as the area and frequency distribution of land lots over the size of forest area within the land lots and the number of owners of the land lots, as well as the area and frequency distribution of the ownership titles over the size of area of the ownership title and the title deed types. Based on the analysis of the dataset it has been proven that the most important forms of land transactions are purchasing and inheriting, of which the numerical description is also presented. The paper contains an analysis regarding decision making within the land lots, and regarding the inequality of ownership distribution.
Keywords: ownership title, ownership title deed, inheriting, concentration of property, land transactions
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Cite this article as:
Mertl, T. & Schiberna, E. (2017): Property structure of private forests in Hungary. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 7(1): 7-23. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2017.001
Volume 7, Issue 1
Pages: 7-23
First published:
23 June 2017
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