Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 6 / Issue 2 / Pages 189-197
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Examination of food of badgers (Meles meles L.) in Komárom-Esztergom County, Hungary

Zoltán Varga & Attila Farkas


Correspondence: Varga Zoltán

Postal address: H-2943 Bábolna, Víztorony u. 9.

e-mail: vadgazdalkodas[at]gmail.com


In the 2009/2010 hunting season 77 badgers were collected in the territory of Komárom-Esztergom county. Some of the animals were legally hunted specimens, but the 41.5% of sample resulted by road accidents. On the samples, analysis of dietary habits was performed, which was accomplished by analysis of stomach contents. The results were evaluated separately according to habitat types and seasons, based on location and time of the killing, or inventing. We examined the relative frequency of occurance and diversity of food items in stomachal contents, as well as trophic niche breadth and standardized trophic niche breadth of badgers. We intended to reveal the occurance of small game species in badger’s diet and differences in feeding habits between the various habitats and seasons. The studies have shown that feeding habits of badgers living in different habitats and collected in different seasons differ significantly based on consumption frequency of certain food categories. However, the presence ofsmall game speciesin the diet of badgers has not been proved. We found that on the test area badgers are feeding generalist species, with periodic specialist features characteristic only in certain habitats.

Keywords: Badger diet, stomach analysis, type of habitats, seasons, trophic niche

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    Cite this article as:

    Varga, Z. & Farkas, A. (2016): Examination of food of badgers (Meles meles L.) in Komárom-Esztergom County, Hungary. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 6(2): 189-197. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2016.015

    Volume 6, Issue 2
    Pages: 189-197

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2016.015

    First published:
    27 September 2016

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