Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Pages 89-105
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Subjective condition surveying and rating of forest roads

Balázs Kisfaludi, Péter Primusz, József Péterfalvi & Gergely Markó


Correspondence: Kisfaludi Balázs

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: kisfaludi[at]gmail.com


Maintenance is required on forest roads after their construction. To maintain the good serviceability on the road network, its condition and the expected scale of heavy traffic must be known. In view of these two parameters, maintenance works must be (and can be) done in proper time and way. Using informatics and digital technology, an efficient tool can be developed, that allows fast assessment of forest road network condition. The digital subjective condition surveying and assessment system developed in our institute makes possible the logging and evaluation of the condition of 20-25 km forest roads daily. If a forestry company possesses a digital road inventory, the condition of its road network can be displayed in a GIS. By combining the condition and expected traffic data, the necessary maintenance treatments, and their expenses can be estimated. The system has been tested on more than 1000 kilometres of forest roads. On the basis of this database, deductions can be done regarding the condition of the whole cca. 3000 kilometres of Hungarian paved forest road network.

Keywords: subjective condition surveying, digital road inventory, road maintenance, pavement management system

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    Cite this article as:

    Kisfaludi, B., Primusz, P., Péterfalvi, J. & Markó, G. (2012): Subjective condition surveying and rating of forest roads. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 2(1): 89-105. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 2, Issue 1
    Pages: 89-105

    First published:
    3 September 2012

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