Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Pages 125-134
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Experience of biological control of chestnut blight in the Sopron mountains

Henriett Vidóczi


Correspondence: Vidóczi Henriett

Postal address: H-8726 Iharos, Kiss u. 1.

e-mail: vidoczi.henriett[at]sefag.hu


There is single efficient method for the biological control of chestnut blight caused by Cryphonectria parasitica. The condition of succesfully using the method is to determine the vegetative compatibility types of the pathogen and to apply adequate, hypovirulent strains on the site. Curative treatments were carried out in a young chestnut grove at Ágfalva belonging ti the growing district of the Sopron mountains between 1996 and 2000. Regularly inoculating the area around the cankers, the trees almost completely recovered during eight years. Determining the virulence of the isolated strains and the eventual hypovirulence the easiest way possible was of primary importance during the applied biological control. In vitro studying the relationship of chestnut and the pathogen resulted in a rapid and reliable test method for practice.

Keywords: chestnut, Cryphonectria parasitica, biological control, compatibility type, hypovirulence

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    Cite this article as:

    Vidóczi, H. (2011): Experience of biological control of chestnut blight in the Sopron mountains. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 125-134. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 1, Issue 1
    Pages: 125-134

    First published:
    1 September 2011

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