Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Pages 123-134
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Determination of the mechanization-affeting soil resistance at forested sites using the "3T System" electronic soil layer indicator

Tamás Major, Katalin Mátyás Szakálosné & László Attila Horváth


Correspondence: Major Tamás

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: major[at]emk.nyme.hu


The development and improvement of suitable soil cultivation machines is unfeasible without knowing the proper characteristics of the soils. After a detailed review of the applying scientific literature we have concluded that the physical-mechanical properties of forest soils with extensive root systems have hitherto been unidentified. The goal of our research was to study the mechanical properties of forest soils, and to investigate the effect of the tree root system on these physical-mechanical characteristics, especially on the soil resistance. In order to reveal the interdependences we have performed several soil resistance measurements. Using mechanical and statistical methods, we have fitted a surface to the measured data points, which can predict the changes of soil resistance as a function of the diameter of the trees and of the distance from the trees. According to our measurements it can be established that around the stems in a radius of 1-1,5 meters the higher soil resistance is caused by the presence of roots.

Keywords: machine improvement, stumpy areas, soil cultivation, machines for soil preparation, penetrometer, soil resistance

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    Cite this article as:

    Major, T., Szakálosné, M. K. & Horváth, A. L. (2012): Determination of the mechanization-affeting soil resistance at forested sites using the "3T System" electronic soil layer indicator. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 2(1): 123-134. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 2, Issue 1
    Pages: 123-134

    First published:
    3 September 2012

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